Investor Complaint Data

Ludhiana Commodities Trading Services Limited

Format for Investor Complaints Data to be displayed by Stock Brokers on their respective websites

Data for every month ending

SN Received from Carried forward from previous month Received during the month Total Pending Resolved* Pending at the end of the month** Average Resolution time^ (in days)
Pending for less than 3 month Pending for more than 3 months
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Directly From Invsetor
3 Stock Exchanges
4 Other Sources (if any)
5 Grand Total

Trend of monthly disposal of complaints

SN Month Carried forward from previous month Received Resolved* Pending
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 April -YYYY
2 May-YYYY
3 June-YYYY
4 July-YYYY
5 Aug-YYYY
6 Sep-YYYY
7 Oct-YYYY
8 Nov-YYYY
9 Dec-YYYY
10 Jan-YYYY
11 Feb-YYYY
12 March-YYYY
Grand Total

Trend of annual disposal of complaints

SN Year Carried forward from previous year Received during the year Resolved during the year Pending at the end of the year
1 2017-2018
2 2018-2019
3 2019-2020
4 2020-2021
4 2021-2022
Grand Total